Protect and grow the wealth you worked hard to obtain.
Our goal is to help people make good decisions and gain understanding in their finances, providing them lives free from financial worry.

About Us &
What Truly Matters
Dan Saccal, founder of Vision Wealth Management, draws on over three decades of finance experience to guide individuals through the complexities of personal finances. Motivated by a genuine desire to educate people away from financial confusion, Dan envisions a future where his clients' later years are their best.
People Matter
Every person has incredible value and deserves respect and honor. People first, money second is a priority statement that places people and relationships ahead of financial matters.
Integrity Matters
We conduct our business in such a way that we are above reproach. We believe suitability and ethical practices come from placing a high value on other people and their needs before our own.
Communication Matters
Good communication with our clients builds and maintains the trust that is necessary for business relationships to reach their full potential. We strive to communicate frequently, timely, truthfully, and relevantly.
Service Matters
Good service is practical and great service is necessary. We will pursue perfection and in so doing “catch a little excellence along the way.” - Vince Lombardi

Our Services
Peace of Mind.
We help individuals in or near retirement by offering financial products that safeguard lifetime income and growth while protecting their principal from market fluctuations. Whether through direct guarantees or synthetic combinations, our clients enjoy a dependable source of income and growth, unaffected by market changes or global events.
Retirement Planning
High Net Worth Investing
Retirement Income Planning
Estate Planning
Tax Planning
Volatility Protection Strategies
Maximizing Social Security
Reviewing Life Insurance Coverage
Our Team

Dan Saccal

Dan Saccal
"I know that personal finances can be confusing and overwhelming to people and I want to be a reliable source of good information "

Nate Arroyo

Nate Arroyo

James Jurica